Thursday, 9 February 2017

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QSR Partners Emails sent to you by QSR about products, services, and other offers from QSR partners. If you won8217t learn, youre going to keep making the same mistakes Seek Quality Education At Market Analyst International we strongly believe that to be successful, you require a good education. The traders who have done well over the long term have always been those that have sought out quality education and continued to learn. In any field of work there is always training and re-training that is required. This is why professionals usually make good traders, they know that education is not a destination but rather a life-long journey. They will always reassess their methods and look to see if there are new and better ways to excel at their job. Some of the most successful traders I have met are continually learning. They are always open to finding new techniques to experiment with to see if they are worthy to be added to their trading toolkit. Recommended Educators We have listed here some of the educational companies (in alphabetical order) which we believe are worth your time investigating. You need to spend the time asking them questions to find the one that suits you the best. Aerodynamic Investments Connie Brown . founder of Aerodynamic Investments Inc is the author of 4 books and is an industry expert on W. D Gann, Fibonacci and Astronomical Analysis. Connie Brown Connie Brown is the author of 4 books and is the founder of Aerodynamic Investments Inc, which is responsible for documenting the methods of W. D.Gann for the Body of Knowledge being compiled by the International Federation of Technical Analysts and the American Technicians Association. South Carolina, USA (with resources that can be purchased world wide) Point of Difference Utilising the market timing methods of WD Gann. Resource Medium A series of books on Professional trading and technical analysis Daily Report Trading Seminars Advanced Gann Seminars Educated Investor Educated Investor is Australias leading online specialist investment bookshop. There is plenty to interest all investors whether you are new or seasoned, young or old. Educated Investor is Australias leading online specialist investment bookshop. There is plenty to interest all investors whether you are new or seasoned, young or old. Checkout the website educatedinvestor. au. complete with product links and suggested reading its one stop e-shopping made easy. Distributes Australia wide Point of Difference Provides educational resources on investing. Geometric Trading Ross Beck, FCSI is the author of The Gartley Pattern by Wiley and Sons publishing and is the editor of the Gartley Trader newsletter. Ross Beck, FCSI is the author of The Gartley Pattern by Wiley and Sons publishing and is the editor of the Gartley Trader newsletter. In 2007 Ross was ranked 1Stock Index CTA in the world based on Sharpe Ratio by Barclay8217s Trading Group. For more information visit geometrictrading Washington, USA (with resources that can be purchased world wide). Point of Difference Leading authority on the analysis techniques used by H. M. Gartley. Fellow of the Canadian Securities Institute. Member of the Market Technicians Association. Internationally acclaimed public speaker. Resource Medium The Gartley Pattern Book by Wiley and Sons Publishing. Gartley Module for Market Analyst 6. Weekly Newsletter. Gartley Webinars. Just Shares Easily learned, Just Shares approach to share trading will help you make the most of share trading opportunities. Easily learned, our approach to share trading will help you make the most of share trading opportunities. You8217ll learn powerful, clear and easy-to-follow trading techniques. You8217ll benefit from our experienced trainers, they are motivated to help you succeed. To find out more, visit our website and join us for one of our cost and obligation free introductory sessions. You8217ll see, hear and experience our powerful no nonsense approach to share trading, No hidden extras. Just quality training and real trading techniques. Just Shares customers rate our training at an unheard of 4.5 out of 5. Visit justshares. au for more information Classroom based training in Sydney, Brisbane 038 Melbourne. Throughout Australia with our Distance learning programme (home based study) for the convenience and comfort of learning at home at your own pace. One day training and advanced training courses also available. Point of Difference Full money back guarantee On-going and comprehensive telephone and e-mail support for as long as you need it. The ability to resit any or all of the training sessions as many times as you want. No on-going fees Exclusive graduate only offers for books, meetings and events. Resource Medium Face to face training in a classroom environment with a small class size. Distance learning through our computer based learning modules. Your study is supported by your own personal Distance Learning tutor to ensure that you never feel distant. Lambert Gann Educators Nikki Jones . owner of Lambert-Gann Publishing is dedicated to providing the true pathway to the trading methods of W. D. Gann. Nikki Jones Lambert-Gann Educators, Inc. is a company dedicated to providing the true pathway to the trading methods of W. D. Gann. The teachings are based directly on the original writings, hand-drawn charts and calculators of Mr. Gann. Nikki Jones, owner of Lambert-Gann Publishing, Inc. and the Gann archives, is giving the world access to Mr. Gann8217s original works through these teachings. Lambert-Gann Educators, Inc. also provides a FREE W. D. Gann email newsletter. Market Insight Jason Sidney . Managing Director of Market Insight Pty Ltd promotes the use of geometry as a forecasting and analysis tool for financial markets. Jason Sidney Jason Sidney is the Managing Director of Market Insight Pty Ltd. Market Insight Pty Ltd is an educational company that promotes the use of geometry as a forecasting and analysis tool for financial markets. These techniques have been used by analysts for close to one hundred years, and attempt to create 8220order8221 from apparent 8220random8221 activity using the basics of mathematics. Market Insight Pty Ltd promotes a scientific approach to the analysis of markets, to help investors make informed decisions in an objective manner. To learn more about these techniques and how theyre applied to financial markets, subscribe now to our FREE newsletter 8220Analyst Insight8221, and become part of the Market Insight Pty Ltd program. marketinsight. au Market Insight Pty Ltd is an authorised representative 8211 number 289520 of Halifax Investment services Ltd 8211 AFSL No: 225973 Sacred Science Institute Sacred Science Institute is the leading publisher and distributor of works on W. D. Gann, classical works on technical analysis, financial astrology and related topics necessary for deeper research into financial market forecasting analysis and trading. Brad Stewart Sacred Science Institute is the leading publisher and distributor of works on W. D. Gann, classical works on technical analysis, financial astrology and related topics necessary for deeper research into financial market forecasting analysis and trading. If you would like to learn to use the numerous tools contained in Market Analyst Gann or Astro Editions, we can provide you with the resources you need to make these important tools work for your trading and to master the full use of the advanced tools available in Market Analyst. Sign up for our newsletter to keep informed of the latest discoveries and publications in this field. Point of Difference The Complete Collected Courses of W. D. Gann Largest catalog of rare books from W. D. Ganns Recommended Reading List Classical Works on Technical Analysis and Forecasting by the Great Market Masters Over 30 Books 038 Courses on Financial Astrology and Astroeconomics Courses on W. D. Gann by Daniel T. Ferrera 038 Dr. Jerome Baumring Huge collection of technical trading systems, cycle works, and forecasting techniques Classics texts by R. N. Elliot, George Bayer, Tubbs, Benner, Schabacker, Cole, Dewey 038 more Resource Medium Maroon suede hardcover reprints of the great market texts shipped worldwide 30 Years of experience in W. D. Gann and related technical market subjects Recommendations of useful works to help better use the analysis tools in Market Analyst Largest collection of scientific and esoteric research works used by advanced market analysts Visit sacredscience to see our full catalog of financial, scientific and esoteric research texts. Dr. Alexander Goulden Dr. Goulden is predominantly a researcher of esoteric sciences, a metaphysician. He holds an M. A. in History, an M. Phil. in Philosophy of Science and a Ph. D. in Metaphysics. His research at Cambridge University focused on the theory-dependence of scientific observation. Some years ago, a friend who worked at an investment bank mentioned that he was attempting to apply the trading methods of a gentlemen named W. D. Gann, who was very successful in the 1900s. Dr. Goulden, not being interested in money or the financial markets, paid little attention. Several months later, his friend approached him again, suggesting that Mr. Gann8217s methods were very esoteric and were not being revealed in the public literature. 8220You are the only person I8217ve ever met that might understand what he was really doing.8221 Piqued by this challenge, Dr. Goulden began to investigate the methods of Mr. Gann, seeing the exercise as that of applied metaphysics to a particular field of energy mechanics. Although, in many respects, he has a certain distaste for the manipulated practices of the financial markets, his book, Behind The Veil, is the result of his analysis of their deeper workings and the discovery of techniques which can be used to the trader8217s advantage. StockCourse StockCourse as an independent, professional Stock Market Training and Education provider, StockCourse designs workshop programs to help people safely enter the exciting world of trading. Lyn Summers StockCourse as an independent, professional Stock Market Training and Education provider, StockCourse designs workshop programs to help people safely enter the exciting world of trading. You are never too young, too old or too experienced to study with StockCourse. Take a look at our Testimonials and read what our students say about us. StockCourse offers a variety of ways to learn. After purchasing our Home Study Stock and Option Package, your education and support is ongoing from the comfort of your home. StockCourse offers you Life Time Support and further education through the latest technology of internet webinars. Our weekly one hour Market Update webinar extensively covers the market direction in Australia and the US. We explain and show you how to source all the global news and economic data for the past and future weeks, which has and will affect the market. You learn from our experience. Our staff are seasoned traders. We dont just teach trading 8211 we live trading When you learn from StockCourse you are getting not just book knowledge, but something much more valuable knowledge that is the result of personal experience. Our education is your peace of mind. StockCourse is a renowned educator of stock market trading. When you participate in our workshops, you will learn how to trade stocks and options safely. Australia - With Education and Resources that are offered world-wide. Point of Difference Weekly Webinars: The live Monday Night Student SupportWeekly Update and Thursday night Coaching 038 Mentoring Webinars are invaluable in assisting with trading, and provide an ongoing learning environment where students can have their questions answered instantly. Support: Students are able to phone the office during business hours for support, or email us for a prompt reply. Community: You have access to a community of like-minded traders through our online community, and the opportunity to attend live group meet-ups. Ongoing Learning: StockCourse runs Stock 038 Options webinars approximately every six weeks to reinforce the foundation knowledge, building on the practical experience the students are gaining as their trading progresses. New Trading Opportunities: As the market changes, so our trading strategy must change in order to stay profitable. The key is knowing which strategy for what market conditions. Each week Lyn presents trading plans based on stocks in her 8220Spotlight8221 that are most suitable to the current market conditions. Live Trading Nights: StockCourse hosts Live trading nights periodically depending on market conditions 8211 a fantastic hands on experience held at our Brisbane office. (Soon to be relocating to Sydney). Live Trading Webinars: StockCourse also runs Live Trading Night Webinars which everyone can enjoy from the comfort of their own home. These nights are held when the market conditions are 8216just right8217, such as a big news announcement that will provide a big market move. Stock Cycles Forecast The Stock Cycles Forecast Website is operated by professional trader and publisher of the Stock Cycles Forecast newsletter, Michael S. Jenkins Michael Jenkins The Stock Cycles Forecast Website is operated by professional trader and publisher of the Stock Cycles Forecast newsletter, Michael S. Jenkins. Mr. Jenkins has been a professional on Wall Street for 33 years and is a frequent commentator on television and radio, and is often the subject of numerous popular financial magazine and newspaper articles. Mr. Jenkins has been a successful money manager for bank trust departments, mutual funds, and N. Y.S. E. Specialist firms and currently day trades professionally. He has written and published since 1985 the Stock Cycles Forecast newsletter which has been acclaimed for having pinpointed the 1987 stock market crash almost to the exact day, the 1990 market top, and the 1998 top to the day along with almost all the other major cyclical turns in the market for the past fifteen years including the big Bear Market of 2000. He has written three best selling books on professional trading as well as a complete stock market forecasting and trading course. New York, USA (with resourses that can be purchased world wide) Point of Difference Study of the geometry and cycle forecasts of the markets Resource Medium Newsletter with a detailed daily forecast of the market with specific stock recommendations A series of books on professional trading Stock market forecasting and trading home study course Traders 4 Traders At Traders 4 Traders you will be trained by Professional FX Traders who have all had a minimum of 15 years experience working for banks on Interbank Forex trading Desks. Brad Gilbert This is not Forex training presented by 8220Salesmen8221 with a collection of manuals, CD8217s, and high promises. At Traders 4 Traders you will be trained by Professional FX Traders who have all had a minimum of 15 years experience working for banks on Interbank Forex trading Desks. It is this 8220market experience8221 that is the key element to our currency training and makes us unique from other Forex training programs. We have traded through numerous wars, coups and market crises. You will not find this level of experience anywhere else. Join Traders4Traders and benefit from this extensive market knowledge. There are no fancy tricks or secret methods to our Forex Training. It8217s simple, hands on and specifically targets profitable trading strategies, removing the 8216noise8217 which can often cloud your judgement. Achieve your personal wealth dreams sooner, contact Traders4Traders today on 1300 355 749 or visit: traders4traders. au Classroom based training in Sydney, Brisbane 038 Melbourne 2 day course with ongoing support Point of Difference The only Forex Training Workshop taught by Professional Currency Traders, who all have had a minimum of 15 years experience working on commercial Forex trading desks. Once you complete the course you have 12 month subscription to the T4T Forex Club. Resource Medium Traders 4 Traders Workshop Manual Face to face training in a classroom environment with a small class size. Daily, Weekly Newsletter Membership to T4T Forex Club TradersCoachreg TradersCoach, launched in 1999 by trading system expert Bennett McDowell . is a worldwide leader in trader education and support and is best known for their series of ART trading and investing indicators. Bennett McDowell TradersCoachreg, launched in 1999 by trading system expert Bennett McDowell, is a worldwide leader in trader education and support. Dedicated to providing a no-nonsense and honest approach to trading the markets, TradersCoachreg has impeccable integrity and is a member of the USAs Better Business Bureaus online network. The website is also recognized as one of the industrys foremost trading education centers and has received a variety of 8220Stocks 038 Commodities8221 magazine Reader8217s Choice Awards over the years. Providing quality products and services to the trading community, TradersCoachreg is probably best known for its trading system and software, Applied Reality Tradingreg (also know as ARTreg). In keeping with the company8217s core philosophy, this software is based purely on reality as opposed to distortions of reality. ARTreg works on all time frames and in all markets and is currently used by traders in over 40 countries around the world. The ARTreg trading and investing software has also won a variety of S 038 C8217s Reader8217s Choice Awards. McDowell, founder of TradersCoachreg, is considered an expert in technical analysis and complex trading platforms. He lectures in the USA and writes articles for many leading trading publications including 8220Technical Analysis of Stocks 038 Commodities magazine and Trade8217s World magazine. He has also written two books published by John Wiley 038 Sons which are 8220A Traders Money Management System8221 and 8220The ARTreg of Trading8221 both released in 2008. His latest book by Wiley is due out end of 2009 and is entitled 8220Survival Guide For Traders8221. Many students come from all over the world to study with Bennett in his home town of San Diego, California. He can be reached via InfoTraderscoach. San Diego, California (with resources that can be purchased world wide) Point of Difference In person and on-line education covering money management, technical analysis, Elliott Wave forecasting, trading psychology and risk management Software tools for high probability entries and exits, money management, record keeping, trade sizing and risk control Resource Medium ARTreg, Applied Reality Tradingreg, lifetime trading and investing software combined with risk control ARTreg, Applied Reality Tradingreg home study course including a 4-DVD set and a one-on-one private consultation with Bennett McDowell Trade Size Calculator software to automatically determine optimal trade size The Traders Assistant record keeping and money management software One-on-one personal phone consultations with Bennett McDowell for coaching on any aspect of trading including system design, psychology, money management and more 2-day in person live tutorials in San Diego, California with Bennett McDowell Trading Pursuits Trading Pursuits Group was established in 2001 by Daniel Kertcher to combine his two life passions: trading and sharing his knowledge with others. Daniel Kertcher Trading Pursuits Group was established in 2001 by Daniel Kertcher to combine his two life passions: trading and sharing his knowledge with others. Daniel often says: I love seeing the light go on in peoples minds, when they realise the amazing opportunities available to them that they never knew existed, and when they grasp just how life-transforming these opportunities can be. And, best of all, I get to witness it all the time. Trading Pursuits mission is to teach ordinary people how to trade the financial markets with knowledge, confidence and enthusiasm. Over 10,000 people have been through the Trading Pursuits multi-day trading courses and a recent survey indicated that 80 of our graduates go on to trade on a regular basis. That means we have been responsible for educating over 8,000 traders and showing them the immense opportunities that exist in financial market trading. Trading Pursuits takes cutting-edge wealth creation strategies and makes them easy to understand and simple to implement by distilling the mountain of information down into a manageable set of key strategies, sensible risk management procedures, and excellent support services. We live in an age where advances in technology, the availability of information, and online access to global markets combine to make it possible for anyone to create multiple streams of income both quickly and easily, whilst effectively managing their risk. Point of Difference Independent Ongoing trading support by analysts Trading Pursuits put their money where their mouth is Resource Medium Fully catered multi-day courses Comprehensive manual Step-by-step reference sheets Regular webinars Members website and trading reports Trading Success The Coaching offered by Ray Barros is simply second to none Introducing students to methods you are unlikely to have seen and teaching you a way of thinking that will take you far beyond the Course Graduation. Ray Barros Science of Trading Course (STC) 8211 The Course can be taken as Theory only or Theory plus Trading Coaching. Ray Barros, one of Australasia8217s finest teachers and trading Coaches and Traders, will tutor you. Ray Barros started trading when a suburban lawyer in the early 1970s. Like most he did not find it easy and lost money. Trial and error lead him to understand that the way he was taught to trade like many others just did not suit him and most people. He spent thousands of hours studying while making the transition from full time lawyer to trader. Since then Ray Barros has devoted his life to trading and learning how to make it better for other traders and beginners through his Trading coaching. The Coaching he offers is simply second to none introducing students to methods you are unlikely to have seen and teaching you a way of thinking that will take you far beyond the Course Graduation. Students are taught Ray8217s methods of analysis money management and trading in the Theory Section. The theory part culminates in a Complete Trading Plan for the student. This can take most students 12 to 18 months to complete. If you as the student wish to progress further and are accepted by Ray Barros for Trading Coaching, you enter the Trading Section. The trading Section is where Ray Barros holds your hand while you trade and iron out any of the errors and psychological barriers to trading success. Your Trading Plan will be refined and strengthened with Ray Barros at your side. Trading With the Gods Alan Olivers material is ideal for those who love a clear, and easy to comprehend style of education which includes a comprehensive manual of Gann and Fibonacci tools, including his own proprietary discoveries. Alan Oliver Learn with the trader who forecast and traded the September 11 2001 market crash Using a combination of Gann tools, Fibonacci counts and his own mathematical discoveries, Alan instructed his broker to sell short multiple contracts on the SPI on September 11 Australian time. The trade was closed out September 12 for a windfall profit, albeit with mixed emotions. This was one of three winning consecutive trades taken in 30 days that returned sensational profits. With traders asking for more details, the best selling book Trading with the Gods was released, detailing Alans chart analysis and how he correctly analysed this event and many others. More details are available on tradingwithgods With overwhelming response to the book by readers who love the clear, easy to comprehend style, a comprehensive manual of Gann and Fibonacci tools has been put together to help others learn these amazing tools. Alan Olivers Trading DNA manual gives you the right information, tried and tested at the coalface by this Australian author. It contains chapters on Psychology, Chart Patterns, Dates, Time, Price, Gann fan, Fibonacci, Share Price Index, Trading Plans, Leveraging using CFDs, Swing chartsall written in easy, plain English using current Australian stocks to demonstrate the techniques. With a very affordable price so anyone can learn, the manual comes with a dedicated website to pose questions to the author and read other questions and answers. Residents of S. E. Queensland may also attend fortnightly group meetings at no cost with other manual owners to meet and discuss manual techniques. Australia (with resources that can be purchased world wide). Point of Difference Individual contact to author by e-mail or telephone or in person Unlimited lifetime support with no ongoing costs Website forum with Q038A by other members to read and learn from Fornightly meetings with other Brisbane members free of charge Resource Medium Handsome binder delivered to your door by Express mail delivery Dedicated website only available to manual owners Group meetings chaired by the author for direct contact Wealth Within Wealth Within, headed by Dale Gillham is Australias only government accredited share market educator. Dale and his team teach the classical techniques and strategies of analysis that have proven over the last 100 years to be the essence of success in the share market. Dale Gillham Are you serious about taking the necessary steps toward achieving a secure and profitable future Are you looking for an approach to trading where consistent results are achievable Tired of trading failures taking all the fun out of your investment efforts Then look no further Wealth Within is Australias only government accredited share market educator who actively proves that the strategies we teach work by trading millions of dollars on behalf of clients. Finally, a company that is willing to walk the talk Since 1998 Dale Gillham, 8216one of the country8217s most respected analysts8217 (Wealth Creator Magazine, NovDec 2004) and author of the popular book 8216How to Beat the Managed Funds by 208217, has assisted traders and investors to become confident and profitable in the share market. Tired of an industry saturated by quick fix gimmicks and expensive short-courses, Dale established Wealth Within to provide genuine education and support, as well as independent investment advice to traders and investors who have become disillusioned by the market for one reason or another. With so much hype surrounding the share market, Dale has sought to raise the bar in the industry to set quality standards in the level of education being delivered by developing Australias first and only Diploma and Advanced Diploma of Share Trading and Investment. This is our guarantee that you are receiving the highest quality share trading education available in Australia today. It also means that our courses are independent evidence that you will be competent in the techniques and strategies taught. Dale firmly believes that your success in the share market involves the right combination of techniques and strategies to ensure you trade the market safely, confidently and profitably. It is for this reason that Dale and his team teach you the classical techniques and strategies of analysis that have proven over the last 100 years to be the essence of success in the share market. The benefit to you is that Dale and his team have refined these techniques and strategies to present them in a simple, effective, down to earth manner that will ensure you save time and money, which means you will be making money in the markets much sooner than you otherwise would. So why do more Australians choose Wealth Within Because we are serious about your success in the share market 8211 in fact the success of our clients has drawn considerable attention from the media with clients being profiled on A Current Affair, and in the Herald Sun, the Dynamic Small Business Magazine and the Courier Mail. In a nutshell, the knowledge and practical hands on skill you gain will enable you to confidently formulate trading strategies based on the specialist techniques taught so you can safely and profitably trade the share market. To learn more about how Wealth Within can help you achieve your financial goals in the share market visit Wealth Withins website: wealthwithin. au Australia, New Zealand 038 Singapore Point of Difference Accredited share trading education at Diploma and Advanced Diploma level Guarantee of quality Focus on the classical techniques of technical analysis Proven track record trading tens of millions of dollars on behalf of clients Resource Medium Home Study Course One on one Coaching E-mail Trading Support Online Forum Online Workshops Wealth Within holds AFSL No: 226347 Become a Partner

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